The Idukki District Police comes under Kochi Range in South Zone. Its boundary with Kottayam District, Ernakulam District, Pathanamthitta District, Thrissure district and Tamil Nadu State. It is headed by an officer of the rank of Superintendent of Police. It has 5 sub divisions viz Thodupuzha, Kattappana, Munnar,Idukki and Peerumedu each headed by a Deputy Superintendent of Police. 12 Circle Offices were functioned in Idukki district Till 31st December 2017, Now the office does not functioning as per the Order of the State Government. Out of 32 Police Stations in Idukki district, each headed by an Inspector of Police, 1 Police Station viz Mullaperiyar is headed by a Deputy Superintendent of Police. In addition to this, various special units like DCRB, Narcotic Cell,C-branch(District Crime Branch) and Special Branch headed by a Deputy Superintendent of Police. A Cyber crime Police Station under the Police Inspector, Forensic Science Lab, Commanding and controlling Center, Police Dog Squad and Motor Transport unit are also functioning under the District Police Chief. A Vanitha Police Station and a Women Cell under the Women Police Inspector is also functioning under the District Police Chief. The District Head Quarters (Armed Reserve Camp) headed by an Assistant Commandant is functioning with near District Police Office.
        The Idukki Police have a strength of approximately 1949 men, serve a population of over 11,08,974 of Idukki district of Kerala state, India. The population span across 2 muncipal town, 5 taluks and 66 villages, over an area of 4356 square kilometers with an average population density of 255 per square kilometer. We investigate about 20,000 cases for year.